What Is It?
- More housing and jobs in central locations. There would be new opportunities for people to live or work in “Activity Centers” – places where jobs and housing are concentrated and it’s easy to walk, bike, or take public transit.
- Taking advantage of underused Metro stations. Local planning efforts would encourage housing and job growth close to Metrorail stations that aren’t as busy as others and have available space nearby for new construction.
- Reduced traffic from commuting from outside the region. Our region doesn’t have enough housing for our expected growth. By building more housing, we can encourage more people to live in our region instead of commuting in and out every day.
- Coordinated local policies. This initiative asks regional leaders to coordinate local policies — through zoning and revisions in local plans – that would allow more people to live closer to jobs.
“Visualize” the Future:
- Fewer, shorter trips in cars. More housing close to Metro and in “Activity Centers” would let more people walk to work and transit. That means there would be fewer cars on our region’s roads. And that would significantly reduce congestion, making driving more reliable for those who commute by car.
- Increased economic opportunity. More jobs would be available to more people within a short distance from home – which is particularly important for low-income workers and those without cars.
- Vibrant communities. Imagine being able to walk and bike to work, school, errands, and fun. It’s good for our health and for the environment. More household growth concentrated in central locations would help us achieve that future.