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for Better Travel Choices Tomorrow

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June 2024

At the June 20 TPB meeting, the Transportation Planning Board approved moving forward with a second conformity analysis with the I-95/I-495 Southside Express Lanes project and extended the deadline six months for plan and program approval to December 2025. Listen to the June TPB meeting livestream to hear the discussion and vote.


May 2024

On May 15, the Transportation Planning Board made a key decision in the development of Visualize 2050, the next National Capital Region Transportation Plan (NCRTP), and the FY 2026-2029 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP), by approving the scope of work and project inputs for the Air Quality Conformity Analysis. Before the vote, the board opted to remove one project, I-495 Southside Express Lanes, from the list of project inputs agreeing to discuss further its inclusion during the June 20 TPB meeting.

All major transportation projects must be included in Visualize 2050 to receive federal funding and approvals. The board’s action comes after two public comment periods and an extensive review conducted by TPB member agencies, including the District of Columbia DOT, Maryland DOT, and Virginia DOT. TPB staff will now begin the air quality conformity analysis to ensure the projects collectively contribute to the air quality improvement goals of the region. Read more.


Visualize 2050: Preparing for the Future


Even before the Visualize 2045 plan was completed in June 2022, the Transportation Planning Board was already thinking about the development of the next National Capital Regional Plan, Visualize 2050

On June 16, 2021, the TPB resolved the development of Visualize 2050 will consider multiple build scenarios and how those scenarios impact the region’s adopted goals and targets, including the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, and that all projects must be resubmitted for consideration with the exception of projects already substantially underway. 

The TPB initiated work on Visualize 2050 immediately following approval of the Visualize 2045 plan.

Visualize 2050 boasts a robust multimodal transportation system that serves people traveling through the region on roads, rails, and by air. Within the region, an intricate integrated network serves motorists, transit riders, walkers, bikers, and other travelers. The region is a very active place that supports many government and private employers, is home to millions of people, and hosts millions of visitors each year.

Visualize 2050 will document the region’s plan to improve people’s travel experiences through the year 2050. You are invited to learn more, get involved, and help make our region better!

Learn more.

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