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Public Comment Opportunities for Visualize 2050

February 15 – November 30, 2023 | Initial Project List
March 1 – 30, 2024 | Key Air Quality Analysis Inputs
2025 dates to be announced | Draft Plan

Click on the FAQs below to learn more about Visualize 2050!

Visualize 2050 Comment Opportunity: March 1 – 30, 2024

From March 1 – 30, 2024, the public had the opportunity to comment on an important, major element of the proposed National Capital Region Transportation Plan, Visualize 2050. Feedback was requested on the region’s proposed roadway and transit projects that change the transportation network’s capacity and are thus determined to be regionally significant in relation to the attainment of federal air quality standards.

A summary and presentation of comments received during the March comment period is available on the April 17 TPB Board meeting page (Item 9B). For audio of the Visualize 2050 overview and discussion, click on the April 17 livestream starting at the 1:28:15 mark.

Initial Visualize 2050 Comment Opportunity: February – November 2023

Between February 15 and November 30, there was a total of 997 project comments for the Visualize 2050 Initial Project List Feedback Form. Virginia received 514 comments, Maryland received 406 comments, and the District of Columbia received 77 comments. A total of 136 project suggestions were received, with 43 for Virginia, 40 for Maryland, and 10 for the District of Columbia. To learn more, visit the December TPB meeting page to view the Item 10A Public Comment Analysis Summary.

State Response Letters
The following letters from the District of Columbia, Maryland, and Virginia summarize the states’ responses to a summary of public comments that the TPB received in 2023. These comments focused on the roadway and transit projects in TPB’s Visualize 2045 plan that were reviewed by the TPB member agencies for re-submission to Visualize 2050.

District of Columbia DOT letter

Maryland DOT letter

Virginia DOT letter

Hero image: 14th Street NW, Washington, DC (Elvert Barnes/Flickr)