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Ambassador Kit

Be a Visualize 2050 ambassador!

Visualize 2050 ambassadors are individuals and organizations from Washington, DC, suburban Maryland, and Northern Virginia who support the Transportation Planning Board’s (TPB) public engagement activities during the Visualize 2050 planning process and comment periods.

Anyone can be an ambassador! If you have an interest in the National Capital Region’s transportation priorities, goals, and future investments, please join us in spreading the word about the Visualize 2050 National Capital Region Transportation Plan and public comment opportunities.

Getting started

Looking for Visualize 2050 content to share in your next newsletter or to post on your website? The following information summarizes what Visualize 2050 is. You are welcome to copy and paste text from the sections below for your posts and stories.  Be sure to use #Visualize2050 in your social media posts!

Learn about Visualize 2050

As a metropolitan transportation plan, Visualize 2050 describes how the TPB, state DOTs, cities, counties, and transit agencies work together to tackle challenges facing the region. The Visualize 2050 process is also used to gather public opinion and advance the most effective strategies to make progress on the region’s goals today and in the future. Visualize 2050 will include regionally significant roadway, transit, and multimodal projects that support cycling and walking.

The Visualize 2050 planning process kicked off in early 2023. In 2024 and 2025, TPB planners will focus on analyzing the performance of the planned transportation network to determine if the region can achieve its air quality goals. In 2025, the TPB will document Visualize 2050 planning activities, and the TPB board will be asked to approve the final Visualize 2050 plan in late 2025. A third and final public comment period will be held in 2025. All projects in the final Visualize 2050 plan will be implemented using revenue sources that are already committed, available, or reasonably expected to be available in the future.


Background on the March 1 – 30, 2024 Comment Opportunity

From March 1 – 30, 2024, the public was invited to comment on an important, major element of the proposed National Capital Region Transportation Plan, Visualize 2050. During the March comment period, the public could provide feedback on the proposed roadway and transit projects that change the transportation network’s capacity and are thus determined to be regionally significant in relation to the attainment of federal air quality standards.  The TPB will review and consider the public input received during the March comment period prior to voting on the proposed projects in May 2024.

Projects under consideration during the comment period included those that affect roadway or transit capacity such as roadway widenings, extensions, or lane reductions, new high-occupancy vehicle (HOV) or express toll lanes, and transit capacity expansion. Minor roadway projects such as intersection improvements, bicycle and pedestrian facilities, or transit improvements such as bus stop updates are important to the region’s network, and they make a difference when it comes to day-to-day connections and operations. However, while many such projects will be part of considered in the overall Visualize 2050 plan, these projects were not included in the air quality analysis network and were not part of the March 2024 comment period.

Learn more at

How to Comment

The 2024 Visualize 2050 public comment opportunity is currently closed. The TPB accepts comment on all TPB activities year-round. Ways to comment:

  • Online: TPB comment form 
  • Email:
  • Phone: (202) 962-3315 (to leave a 3-minute voicemail)
  • Write: Christina Henderson, Chair
    National Capital Region Transportation Planning Board
    Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments
    777 North Capitol Street NE, Suite 300
    Washington, DC 20002

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Social media is a great way to share news about Visualize 2050. Follow the National Capital Region Transportation Planning Board on X (Twitter) and Facebook. You are invited to share on LinkedIn, Instagram, and other favorite social channels.

Hashtag: #Visualize2050
Follow: @NatCapRegTPB


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Hero image: Brookland Open Streets, Washington, DC (Joe Flood/Flickr)