Both COG’s Region Forward Vision and the TPB Vision recognize the important relationship between transportation and land use coordination. Population in the region will reach nearly 6.9 million by 2045. Land use and development patterns put pressure on transportation infrastructure to meet the growing demands. The way we shape the built environments of our communities impacts the length of trips and the transportation options for getting around. As the our communities continue to grow, it is crucial that we plan to prioritize land uses that bring together jobs, housing, services, and recreation in a walkable environment served by transit. Through coordination and planning, the transportation system and development patterns can support one another more effectively and help metropolitan Washington accommodate significant growth and continue to prosper.
Learn more about the TPB planning activities for this factor:
- Transportation and Land Use Coordination Transportation & Land Use Coordination – Planning Areas | Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments (
- This link highlights the work at COG/TPB which relies on effective coordination between transportation planning and land use decision-making to help the region accommodate significant growth.
- Activity Centers
- This map identifies the Activity Centers in the region that will accommodate the majority of the future growth, and includes existing urban centers, priority growth areas, traditional towns, and transit hubs.
- COG Housing Initiative
- Regional Housing Initiative – Housing & Homelessness | Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments ( and How COG’s housing initiative links to transportation – TPB News – News | Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments (
- COG’s Regional Housing Initiative aims to determine what it would take to increase housing to ensure a sufficient and affordable supply for both current and new residents, and workers expected in metropolitan Washington’s future
- Transit Oriented Communities
- The TPB has prioritized work activities to support and advance transit oriented communities (TOCs) which enhance housing and transportation connectivity in areas served by transit.