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Tracking Progress

How does TPB track progress?

The TPB tracks and reports on its own efforts to realize the goals outlined in the Visualize 2045 Aspirational Initiatives, and highlights recent accomplishments by member agencies as to projects, policies, and programs that advance these concepts. The TPB reports a wide range of performance measures some which are required by the federal government, others the TPB develops to respond to the goals and other priorities. The TPB staff are working to develop new measures to help communicate about the performance of the transportation system, to help inform the development of future projects, programs and policies.

Realizing the Aspirational Initiatives

The TPB approved the first iteration of Visualize 2045 in October 2018. The plan included seven Aspirational Initiatives that can help the region reach its transportation goals. The Visualize 2045 update maintains a focus on the importance of implementing these initiatives across the region. Click here to learn more about TPB activities that support implementation of the initiatives.

The National Capital Trail Network

The National Capital Trail Network is a regional network of trails that will allow people to get to all parts of the region by bike.

Transit Access Focus Areas

An initiative focused on biking and walking aimed to make it easier for people to access transit by foot or by bike. The TPB’s Transit Within Reach project has developed a list of 49 Transit Access Focus Areas (TAFAs) as a way to prioritize those places with the greatest need for improvements to make it easier for people to walk and bike to transit. The TPB approved the list at its July 2020 meeting.

Expanding Telework

The COG and TPB’s Commuter Connections staff completed the development of telework and flexwork materials. A telework landing page was created on the Commuter Connections website to host the new materials including sample Agreements and policy templates, FAQs, best practices for teleworking, and updated information on alternative work schedules.