TPB Principles

Equity, Accessibility, Sustainability, Prosperity, and Livability

These principles exemplify the TPB’s values.

National Capital Region Transportation Goals

Safety Icon
The safety of all users, including travelers and maintenance and operations personnel alike, should be ensured on all parts of the transportation system at all times.
Worker Icon
Well-maintained Infrastructure
Well-maintained Infrastructure
All aspects of the transportation system’s infrastructure should be maintained in a state of good repair to provide reliable, safe, and comfortable mobility to all its users. Maintaining the existing system is a top priority that takes precedence over creating new systems.
Travel Time Reliability
Travel Time Reliability
Any and all options of travel available should be reliable to get the user to their destination on time every time.
Bicycle and bus icon
Affordable and convenient mobility options
Affordable and convenient mobility options
Provide affordable, realistic multimodal options.
Efficient system operations
Efficient system operations
Implement transportation systems management and operations.
Leaf Icon
Environmental Protection
Environmental Protection
Provide, facilitate, and incentivize methods that build, operate and maintain the transportation system in a manner that provides for healthy air, water, other environmental factors, and mitigates the effects of extreme weather.
Earth with thermometer icon
Resilient Region
Resilient Region
The region’s transportation system should remain able to move people in the face of one or more major obstacles to normal function. These obstacles could include extreme weather events, major crashes and incidents, and equipment or infrastructure failures.
Community icon
Livable and prosperous communities
Livable and prosperous communities
The multimodal transportation network should support regional economic competitiveness, opportunity, and a high quality of life for all people.


To accomplish these goals, the TPB has encouraged its members to implement the following priority strategies:

  • Apply best practices to maintain the transportation system such as bridge and pavement management and transit asset management.
  • Apply the endorsed safety strategies to design and operate safer infrastructure and encourage safer behavior.
  • Increase frequency and capacity of transit by expanding Bus Rapid Transit and Transitways.
  • Reduce travel times on all public transportation bus services.
  • Move more people on Metrorail and commuter rail.
  • Bring jobs and housing closer together by focusing growth and adding housing units in Activity Centers and near High-Capacity Transit stations.
  • Provide more telecommuting and other options for commuting such as vanpool or carpool and alternative work schedules.
  • Expand the express highway network, with rapid transit, and allow carpool/vanpool ride free.
  • Improve walk and bike access to transit, especially within TPB identified High-Capacity Transit station areas, through the application of Complete Streets and Green Streets policies.
  • Complete the National Capital Trail Network.
  • Implement Transportation Systems Management and Operations (TSMO) measures at all eligible locations.
  • Apply effective technologies that advance the TPB’s goals.
  • Convert vehicles to clean fuels: 50 percent of new light-duty vehicles, 30 percent of medium and heavy-duty trucks sold; 50 percent of all buses on the road.
  • Develop and implement an electric vehicle charging network.


These priority strategies adopted by the TPB in 2022 with the adoption of Visualize 2045, set the framework for the technical inputs and ongoing planning activities that inform Visualize 2050.